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Target Audiences by Optimization Goal

This query counts the number of adsets targeting each audience per optimization goal.

Related Connectors: Our connectors / Facebook Ads
	, sum(case when t.target_gender = 'female' then 1 else null end) as female_targets
	, sum(case when t.target_device_platforms like 'mobile%' then 1 else null end) as mobile_device_targets
	, sum(case when t.target_device_platforms like 'desktop%' then 1 else null end) as desktop_targets
	, sum(case when t.publisher_platforms = 'instagram' then 1 else null end) as instagram_targets
	, sum(case when t.targeting_optimization = 'expansion_all' then 1 else null end) as expansion_all_target_optimization
	fb_ads_adsets "as"
	left join fb_ads_adsets_targeting t on "as".adset_id=t.adset_id
group by 1;

Query Results Dictionary

Column Description
optimization_goal Optimization goal of the adsets.
female_targets Number of adsets that target females.
mobile_device_targets Number of adsets that target mobile devices.
desktop_targets Number of adsets that target desktop devices.
instagram_targets Number of adsets that target Instagram users.
expansion_all_target_optimization Number of adsets that uses targeting expansion.



This query can be used to create an histogram of number of adsets in each audience per optimization goal.


Add or change target audiences.