🥳 Introducing our new Flex Connector! 👉 Learn more Introducing our new Flex Connector!

Your data is trapped in databases, files, and tools...

Your team struggles to access accurate, up-to-date data...

Analysts can’t get their hands on the data they need to answer complex questions.

Business users wait weeks for non-routine reporting...or move forward without it.

Executives are starved for visibility into their organization.

Engineering and IT are forced to put critical work on hold to handle data requests.

Teams may not be working with the same—or the right—data.

Panoply unblocks your data

Data analysts win with 30x faster report preparation thanks to readily available data.
Panoply for analysts
Business users can review results faster with a 90% reduction in dashboard run time.
Panoply for business
Executives report an annual cost savings of $120k after implementation.
Panoply for leadership
Engineering and IT can save 2 months of work with a single data connector.
Panoply for engineering & IT
Teams see a 20% increase in the usage of reporting and data.

Panoply Just Works.

Explore the platform

Getting started is easy

Set up a data warehouse & connect your data in minutes.

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