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Monthly Performance Breakdown

This query sums the total cost, clicks and impressions by month and year from facebook-ads.

Related Connectors: Our connectors / Facebook Ads
  DATE_TRUNC('month', date_start) :: date year_month,
  ROUND(SUM(spend), 2) cost,
  SUM(clicks) clicks,
  SUM(impressions) impressions,
  ROUND(SUM(clicks :: float)/ SUM(impressions), 3) clickthrough_rate,
  ROUND(SUM(spend :: float)/ SUM(clicks), 2) cost_per_click
  public."facebook-ads" -- Table name might be different based on Schema and Destination settings in the data source
  1 ASC

Query Results Dictionary

Column Description
year_month Year and month extracted from the date_start column. Values are in date format with the first day of each month to represent that given month.
cost Total monthly cost in the ad account’s chosen currency
clicks Total monthly clicks
impressions Total monthly impressions
clickthrough_rate Monthly clicks divided by monthly impressions
cost_per_click Total monthly cost divided by monthly clicks


Collect data with the Panoply Facebook Ads data source.


This query can be used to create a line or bar chart of cost \ impressions \ clicks over time.


The table in the FROM might need to be changed based on Schema and Destination settings in the data source. The columns campaign_name or your chosen breakdown (country by default) can be added to the WHERE as filters or to the SELECT and GROUP BY for an additional level of aggregation granularity.