Panoply makes it easier than ever to access your Campaign Monitor data. Consolidate Campaign Monitor, plus all other business data, in a secure data warehouse for a single source of truth. Explore your Campaign Monitor data with our SQL workbench, in-product graphs and charts, or connect your favorite BI tools for advanced reporting and analysis.
Some of the available tables Panoply can collect from Campaign Monitor include:
Campaign Bounces
Information about subscribers who bounced for a campaign, including type of bounce (hard or soft).
Campaign Clicks
Data on the subscribers who clicked a link in your email campaign including the data/time and IP address from which they clicked the link.
Campaign Email Client Usage
The email client subscribers use to open a campaign, including the email client version.
Campaign Opens
Information about subscribers who opened an email in your campaign, including the date and time and the IP address of the open.
Campaign Recipients
Information about the subscribers a campaign was sent to, including their email address and list memberships.
Campaign Spam Complaints
Data on subscribers who marked a campaign as spam.
Campaign Summary
Aggregate data about the results of any sent campaign, including the number of recipients, opens, clicks, and unsubscribes to date.
Campaign Unsubscribes
Data on the subscribers who unsubscribed from a given campaign's email.
Data about the campaigns in your Campaign Monitor account.
List Active Subscribers
Info about active subscribers for a particular email list, including email address, name, date subscribed and any custom field data.
List Bounced Subscribers
Data about bounced subscribers for a particular list, including email address, name, and bounce date.
List Deleted Subscribers
Info on deleted subscribers for a given list, including email address, name, data deleted, and any custom field data.
List Details
Summary information about the subscriber lists in your Campaign Monitor account, including name, ID, type of list (e.g., single or confirmed opt-in), any custom unsubscribe and confirmation URLs, and the list's unsubscribe setting.
List Unconfirmed Subscribers
Info about subscribers who have subscribed to a particular confirmed opt-in list but have not completed confirmation.
List Unsubscribed Subscribers
All unsubscribed subscribers for a given list, including email address, name, date unsubscribed, and any custom field data.
Summary info about all the lists in your Campaign Monitor account.
Sync Campaign Monitor data with multiple sources in Panoply, then access it via your BI tool