Connecting BI Tools
  • 12 Nov 2021
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Connecting BI Tools

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Article summary

Panoply's smart data warehouse platform seamlessly connects with leading data management, data integration, and BI partners so you can easily and quickly add and combine all your data sources and connect it to any business intelligence tool to help visualize this data - all in one place, seamlessly.

Your connection details will vary, depending on whether your data warehouse is built on Amazon Redshift or Google BigQuery.

To determine whether your data warehouse is built on BigQuery or Redshift, see the BI Connections Page on the Panoply platform.

To analyze your data, Panoply integrates with Business Intelligence (BI) tools such as:

Any BI data visualization tool that supports ODBC, JDBC, Postgres, AWS Redshift, or Google BigQuery can connect to Panoply.

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