Connecting ETL Tools
  • 12 Nov 2021
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Connecting ETL Tools

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Article summary

Panoply works with several partners to provide additional data sources beyond those built into the Panoply Platform.

For data warehouses on Redshift, Panoply is compatible with any data connector or ETL tool that uses a standard ODBC/JDBC connection, Postgres connection, or AWS Redshift connection.

For data warehouses built on Google BigQuery, Panoply supports connections with Stitch. Additional tools will be added in the future.

You can find a list of ETL tools in the ETL section of the Data Integration listings. You can also find a list of all the Partner Data Sources from our Premier ETL Partners. Chat with us any time to learn more about Partner Data Sources and to get them set up in your account.

Connecting a Redshift Data Warehouse
Connecting a BigQuery Data Warehouse

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