MYSQL Setup Guide
  • 23 Jul 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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MYSQL Setup Guide

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Article summary

This document describes the basic setup for the MySQL data source.

Before you start
  • Note the host and the port of the MYSQL database.
  • Note the username and the password for the user connecting to the MYSQL database.

To configure this data source:

  1. If necessary, whitelist Panoply.
    • To ensure data security, MySQL databases with production data are typically not publicly available. To allow Panoply to access your data, see Whitelisting.
  2. Click Data Sources in the navigation menu.
  3. Click the Add Data Source button.
  4. Search for MySQL and select it.
  5. Enter the credentials to connect Panoply to MySQL. If you're not sure what your connection details are, contact your administrator or open MySQL Workbench and locate the Manage Server Connections dialog. Also, you can connect Panoply to a read replica if you're concerned about overloading your master database. Most production environments already have a read replica; if yours doesn't, follow MySQL's documentation to create one.
    • Host Address - The URL of the database or the IP address of the host server.
      • URL example:
      • IP example:
    • Port - The port number of the server. This is 3306 for most connections.
    • To connect using SSL instead:
      • Enter your Client Certificate
      • Enter your Client Key
      • Enter your SSL Certificate
  6. Enter your MySQL username and password. This user must have permission to access the data. If the permissions are not in place, some of the data will not be available.
    • In MySQL, you can create a Panoply-specific user with read-level permissions. Then enter the username and password for this Panoply-specific user. This user must be reserved for Panoply use and unique to your connector. All information entered into Panoply is encrypted to ensure the security of your data. See Data Protection for more information on how Panoply actively provides data security.
  7. Select the MySQL database to connect to. This loads a list of tables and views.
  8. Select the MySQL tables and views from which to collect data.
  9. Click Save Changes and then click Collect.
    • The data source appears grayed out while the collection runs.
    • You may add additional data sources while this collection runs.
    • You can monitor this collection from the Jobs page or the Data Sources page.
    • After a successful collection, navigate to the Tables page to review the data results.

This is all that is necessary to start collecting your data from MySQL, however there are a number of Advanced Settings you can use to customize your MySQL data source. We do not recommend changing Advanced Settings unless you are an experienced Panoply user.

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