Square Release Notes
  • 01 Sep 2022
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Square Release Notes

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Article summary

September 2022

The Square data source now supports nine new resources:

  • Bookings
  • Device Codes
  • Disputes
  • Dispute Evidence
  • Invoices
  • Subscriptions
  • Subscription Events
  • Team Member Booking Profiles
  • Terminal Refunds

November 2021

In order to better support offline operations in Square (like offline orders), the incremental collections will collect data since 4 days before the last successful collection time.

April 2021

Panoply has released the new Square data source. Using the Square API, Panoply can collect your data into your data warehouse. The resources available are:

  • Terminal Checkouts
  • Payments
  • Payment Refunds
  • Orders
  • Catalog Objects
  • Inventory Counts
  • Inventory Changes
  • Customers
  • Customer Groups
  • Customer Segments
  • Locations
  • Cash Drawer Shifts
  • Cash Drawer Shift Events
  • Team Members
  • Wage Settings
  • Break Types
  • Team Member Wages
  • Shifts
  • Workweek Configs
  • Bank Accounts

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