Instagram Release Notes
  • 15 Apr 2024
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Instagram Release Notes

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Article summary

April 2024

The following changes were applied:

  • Additional metrics were added to the Reels Insights resource:
    • clips_replays_count
    • ig_reels_aggregated_all_plays_count
    • ig_reels_avg_watch_time
    • ig_reels_video_view_total_time
  • The Carousel Album Media Insights resource was removed and instead was replaced by the Album Insights resource with the following metrics:
    • total_interactions
    • impressions
    • reach
    • saved
    • video_views
  • Five new resources were added. These resources will return the current snapshot of demographics distribution by category:
    • Follower Demographics by age
    • Follower Demographics by age & gender
    • Follower Demographics by city
    • Follower Demographics by country
    • Follower Demographics by gender

May 2023

The following resources were added to the Instagram Business connector:

  • Carousel Album Media Insights
  • Image and Video Media Insights
  • Reels Insights
  • Story Insights

Story insights are only available for the past 24 hours

March 2021

The Instagram Business data source has been upgraded to the Instagram Business API version 9.

August 2020

When a user has been granted a role by the Business Manager, that user must also have one of these other permissions: ads_managment, pages_read_engagement or business_management. While investigating an error reported by a user, it was discovered that the pages_read_engagment had not been included with the original release of this source. In addition, to be successful, the Instagram Business account should be connected to a Facebook Business Page. Users will need to reconnect to approve these added permissions.

July 2020 v 2.0 beta

The updated Instagram Graph API replaces the already deprecated original Instagram API. Panoply has now made this beta available for the public. We invite clients to add this updated data source to pull in your Instagram data into Panoply. For more information about using this data source, see Instagram Business.

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