R Studio on Redshift
  • 26 Jul 2021
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R Studio on Redshift

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Article summary

Panoply on Redshift

To connect your Panoply data warehouse to R:

  1. Install the RPostgreSQL package. You can do this in your R environment by running the following:

  2. Set up the connection to your Panoply data warehouse:

     driver <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
     SampleConnection <- dbConnect(driver,
     host = 'db.panoply.io',
     port = '5439',
     user = '{your Panoply username}',
     password = '{your Panoply password}',
     dbname = '{the name of the Panoply DB containing your data}')
  3. Load your data into an R dataframe for analysis:

    SampleDF = dbReadTable(SampleConnection, '{table name}')

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