July 2020 Release Notes
  • 06 Jul 2021
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July 2020 Release Notes

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Article summary

Google Adwords v 1.6.0

An added field spurred this change to Google Adwords data source, as it alters the ID patterns on two reports: the Adgroup Performance Report and the Search Query Performance Report. For the Adgroup Performance Report, that new pattern is: {campaign_id}*{ad_group_id}*{device}*{network (with search partners)}*{day} and for the Search Query Performance Report, that new pattern is {keyword_id}*{customer_ID}*{match_type}*{search term hashed}*{day}.

Because these changes altered the primary key, the data in the tables prior to the change has an outdated schema that cannot be updated correctly. As a next step, clients using the Adwords data source must:

  1. Delete the data source.

  2. Drop the tables created by the source.

  3. Re-add the data source and run the collection, so that the new primary key is brought in.


This change is in addtion to the changes made in June 2020, so users who already followed these steps for that change will need to do so again.

Instagram Graph API v 2.0 beta

The updated Instagram Graph API replaces the already deprecated original Instagram API. Panoply has now made this beta available for the public. We invite clients to add this updated data source to pull in your Instagram data into Panoply. For more information about using this data source, see Instagram Graph

Facebook Pages v 3.0.0 beta

Facebook has released API v 7.0, with changes that required a major revision on Panoply's side. This change maps our data source to the latest Facebook API and also opens up more of the data provided by the API for Panoply users. The existing Facebook Pages data source is deprecated as of Monday, July 20, 2020, and users have 90 days to add the updated version. At the end of that 90 days, the deprecated version will cease collecting data. For more information about using this new data source, see Facebook Pages.

Facebook Posts v 2.0.0 beta

Facebook has released API v 7.0, and Panoply is releasing a new Facebook Posts data source beta to replace the already deprecated Facebook Posts data source. This change maps our data source to the latest Facebook API and also opens up more of the data provided by the API for Panoply users. For more information about using this updated data source, see Facebook Posts.

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