Salesforce Advanced Settings
  • 26 Jul 2021
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Salesforce Advanced Settings

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Article summary

We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you are an experienced Panoply user.

For users who have some experience working with their data in Panoply, there are a number of items that can be customized for this data source.


Users must have permissions within Salesforce to access the data. Some Salesforce customers on Salesforce’s lower level pricing tiers may not use the Salesforce API. This is controled by Salesforce. To learn more, see the Salesforce API Access Control.


Salesforce Login Limits Salesforce limits access tokens to five devices per logged in user. This includes logins to the Salesforce application and any use of that account to connect with Panoply. This means that if you create more than four Salesforce data sources in your Panoply account, you will revoke the access token for one of those sources and any automated collection for that source will no longer run.


Salesforce limits the number of API calls made in a rolling 24 hour period to 700,000. The number of API calls used by a user may vary. To prevent API call limits Panoply uses the fewest possible API calls necessary. Our approach reschedules calls for one hour later once we reach 90% of the API call limit.

If the connected user has View Setup and Configuration permissions in Salesforce, Panoply will automatically prevent consumption of all the available API calls.

  1. Enable Incremental Key: By default,Panoply fetches all of your Salesforce data on the first run for the Salesforce objects you selected. On subsequent collections, Panoply collects from the date of the last successful collection minus 1 calendar day. To disable this feature, uncheck the Enable Incremental Key checkbox. For more information see Incremental Loads.
  2. Destination Schema: This is the name of the target schema to save the data. The default schema for data warehouses built on Google BigQuery is panoply. The default schema for data warehouses built on Amazon Redshift is public. This cannot be changed once a source has been collected.
  3. Destination: The Destination is the name of the tables that will be created. The default prefix for this data source is salesforce. To use a different prefix for the destination table names, enter it in this field. That prefix is combined with the name of the object to create the table name, with the syntax salesforce_<object> where <object> is a dynamic field representing the name of the imported object.
  4. Primary Key: The default primary key is the id provided by Salesforce. Because id is a Salesforce global field, so two users will never have the same id. For more information, see Locate the Unique ID of a Record in Salesforce.
  5. Exclude: The Exclude option allows you to exclude certain data, such as names, addresses, or other personally identifiable information. Enter the column names of the data to exclude.
  6. Truncate: Truncate deletes all the current data stored in the destination tables, but not the tables themselves. Afterwards Panoply will recollect all the available data for this data source.
  7. Click Save Changes and then click Collect.
    • The data source appears grayed out while the collection runs.
    • You may add additional data sources while this collection runs.
    • You can monitor this collection from the Jobs page or the Data Sources page.
    • After a successful collection, navigate to the Tables page to review the data results.

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