  • 17 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The Panoply dashboards, accessible by clicking Dashboards in the navigation menu, allows you to consolidate your saved reports into dashboards.

When adding a new dashboard, select the different reports to add (either click to add to the bottom of the dashboard or drag and drop in a specific location) and customize their size and location. Once ready, save your changes and the dashboard is available for other users to interact with it.

Reports are created in Panoply's workbench by running a query and saving it with the desired visualization.
Although there is no limit to the number of reports you can have in a dashboard, we suggest to keep it concise and to the point to not overload the recipients with too much information.

Users can edit their dashboards at any time and can add or remove reports, change locations and sizes of reports, rename or delete the dashboard entirely.

After saving a dashboard, it can be refreshed manually at any time and will refresh automatically when re-visiting the dashboard more than an hour after the previous refresh.

Users have direct access from the dashboard to any report's original query.
For single value reports, users can toggle on the spot between short and long formats. Note that the original format saved on the report will be shown upon refreshing the dashboard.
For table reports, users can sort the report by any existing column directly in the dashboard. Note that the original sort saved on the report will be shown when revisiting the dashboard.


Users can share dashboards and reports directly from the Panoply platform. Sharing allows you to either download a PDF version of the dashboard/report or share it directly via email with your colleagues. Sharing via email allows you to send a PDF version of the dashboard/report and a link directly to the dashboard with users in your Panoply account and with any other email addresses you wish to share the dashboard/report with.

  • Only users in your Panoply account will be able to access the link shared in the email.
  • All reports should be fully loaded before sharing the dashboard.

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