Square - Month to Date KPIs
  • 27 Jul 2022
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Square - Month to Date KPIs

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Article summary


The Square Month to Date KPIs recipe is focused on the main business KPIs for the current month and yearly trends. This recipe includes seven views:

  • square_items_sold_per_day - Number of items sold per day.
  • square_orders_per_day - Number of orders created per day.
  • square_top_items_this_month - Current month's sales quantity distribution by items.
  • square_top_categories_this_month - Current month's sales quantity distribution by categories.
  • square_returning_customers_this_month - Number of returning customers this month.
  • square_total_customers_this_month - Total number of customers this month.
  • square_revenue_and_refunds_per_day - Total revenue and refunds distribution by day.
    This recipe is also accompanied by a pre-built dashboard.


  • Data source: Square
  • Resources:
    • Orders
    • Catalog
  • Tables:
    • square_orders
    • square_orders_line_items
    • square_orders_refunds
    • square_orders_refunds_amount_money
    • square_orders_total_money
    • square_catalog
    • square_catalog_category_data
    • square_catalog_item_data
    • square_catalog_item_data_variations
    • square_catalog_item_data_variations_item_variation_data

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