Microsoft OneDrive Setup Guide
  • 20 Jun 2024
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Microsoft OneDrive Setup Guide

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Article summary

This document describes the basic setup of the Microsoft OneDrive connector.

To configure this connector and collect Microsoft OneDrive data:

  1. From the Connectors menu, click Add connector.
  2. Search for Microsoft OneDrive, then select that connector.
  3. Click Login and follow Microsoft’s authorization process to allow Panoply to access OneDrive data.
  4. (Optional) Choose the folder to collect data from. Panoply will limit the number of folders it loads initially. If you can't find your folder, try searching it with the Search Folders option under the Advanced Settings.
  5. By default, Panoply collects only the files that you select. To collect all supported files, check the Collect All box. When selecting to Collect All files, Panoply will collect all the files from the selected folder and any subfolder within it. If no folders were selected, Panoply will collect all the supported files from OneDrive
  6. Select the files from which to collect data. For details regarding these file types, see the Data Dictionary. Panoply will only show you files from the selected folders or root folder in OneDrive. Panoply supports the following file types:
    • Plain text (.txt)
    • Archive (.tar, .zip and .gzip) The collection will fail if the archive file contains unsupported file types or other archive files.
    • .xlsx
    • json
    • Delimited files (.csv.tsv and others)
    • XML
  7. Destination: The destination determines where Panoply will store your data. Users must enter a Destination Table to name the table.
  8. Click Save Changes, then click Collect.
    • The connector appears grayed out while the collection runs.
    • You may add additional data sources while this collection runs.
    • You can monitor this collection from the Jobs page or the Data Sources page.
    • After a successful collection, navigate to the Tables page to review the data results.

This is all that is necessary to start collecting your data from Microsoft OneDrive, however there are a number of Advanced Settings you can use to customize your data source. We do not recommend changing Advanced Settings unless you are an experienced Panoply user.

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