Flex Connector Setup Guide
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Flex Connector Setup Guide

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Article Summary

This document describes the different configuration options of the Flex Connector.

  • Base URL - The base URL of the API service.

The base URL must use HTTPS connection

  • Method - Select between GET and POST API calls
  • URL Parameters - Enter & separated parameters. For example: key1=123&key2=abc
  • Headers - Enter the API call's headers in a JSON format. For example: {"Authorization": "Bearer 123..."}
  • Destination - The Panoply table name you wish to ingest the data into.
  • Post data - Available only for POST API calls. Select the POST API call's data input between Raw JSON, Raw XML and graphQL
  • JSON - Available only for POST with Raw JSON POST data type. The JSON data input should be in JSON format. For example: {"param1": 123, "param2": "abc" }
  • XML - Available only for POST with Raw XML POST data type. The XML data input should be in XML format. For example: <control> <sender>123</sender> <password>abc</password> </control>
  • GraphQL query - Available only for POST with graphQL POST data type. Enter a GraphQL query data. For example:
 products(first: 10, query: "created_at:>{incval}") {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

The Flex Connector also supports pagination, refreshing of the access token and fetching a list of identifiers to utilize in the API calls. Check out the separate documentation for these two features to better automate the extraction of data from the API service.

Once the configuration has completed, click Save Changes and then click Collect.

  • The data source appears grayed out while the collection runs.
  • You may add additional data sources while this collection runs.
  • You can monitor this collection from the Jobs page or the Connectors page.
  • After a successful collection, navigate to the Tables page to review the data results.

This is all that is necessary to start collecting your data from any API service, however, there are a number of Advanced Settings you can use to customize the data extraction. We do not recommend changing Advanced Settings unless you are an experienced Panoply user.

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