Bing Ads Release Notes
  • 23 Jul 2021
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Bing Ads Release Notes

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Article Summary

October 2019

These updates are based on updates to Bing Ads' API.

Report NameDeprecations
Account PerformanceRemoved the following fields - AverageCpp, ClickCalls, ManualCalls
Ad Group PerformanceRemoved the following fields - AverageCpp, ClickCalls, ManualCalls
Age Gender DemographicRemoved the report.
Campaign PerformanceRemoved the following fields - AverageCpp, ClickCalls, ManualCalls
Call DetailRemoved the following fields - CallStatus, CallTypeName
Share of VoiceRemoved the following fields - ImpressionLostToRankPercent, ImpressionLostToAdRelevancePercent, ImpressionLostToExpectedCtrPercent, ImpressionLostToRelevancePercent, ImpressionLostToBidPercent
Report NameAdditions
Share of VoiceRemoved the following field - ImpressionLostToRankAggPercent

April 2019

Recent changes to Bing Ads' API are shown here in tabular format before they are added to the above tables. Check here first for information on recent changes to data fields and table structures. Results as of April 3, 2019 are shown in the table below.

Deprecations and Renaming

Report NameDeprecationsRenaming
Account PerformanceRemoved the following fields - ImpressionSharePercent - ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent - ImpressionLostToRankPercent - ImpressionLostToBidPercent - ImpressionLostToAdRelevancePercent - ImpressionLostToExpectedCtrPercent - ExactMatchImpressionSharePercentRename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Ad Dynamic Text Performancen/aRename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Ad Extension By Adn/aRename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Ad Extension By Keywordn/aRename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Ad Extension Detailn/aRename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Ad Group PerformanceRemoved the following fields - BusinessCategoryId - BusinessCategoryName - BusinessListingId - BusinessListingName - ExactMatchImpressionSharePercent - ImpressionLostToAdRelevancePercent - ImpressionLostToBidPercent - ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent - ImpressionLostToExpectedCtrPercent - ImpressionLostToRankPercent - ImpressionSharePercent Remove id header - BusinessListingId - BusinessListingNameRename the fields with Historic word to Historical - HistoricAdRelevance, - HistoricExpectedCtr - HistoricLandingPageExperience - HistoricQualityScore Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Ad PerformanceRemoved the following fields - BusinessListingId - BusinessListingName - BusinessCategoryId - BusinessCategoryNameRename - FinalURL to FinalUrl - FinalMobileURL to FinalMobileUrl - FinalAppURL to FinalAppUrl Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Age Gender Audiencen/aRename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Age Gender Demographicn/aRename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Call Detailn/an/a
Campaign PerformanceRemove the following fields - ImpressionSharePercent - ImpressionLostToBudgetPercent - ImpressionLostToRankPercent - ImpressionLostToBidPercent - ImpressionLostToAdRelevancePercent - ImpressionLostToExpectedCtrPercentRename Status to CampaignStatus Rename the fields with Historic word to Historical - HistoricAdRelevance, - HistoricExpectedCtr - HistoricLandingPageExperience - HistoricQualityScore Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
DSA Auto Target Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
DSA Category Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
DSA Search Query Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Geographic Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Negative Keyword Conflictn/an/a
Product Match Countn/an/a
Product Partition Unit Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Product Search Query Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Professional Demographics Audience Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Publisher Usage Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Search Query Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
Share of Voice Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod
User Location Performance Rename header field - GregorianDate to TimePeriod - CountryOrRegion to Country

Updates to Primary Key Patterns

Report NameLegacy Primary Key ID patternNew Primary Key ID patternReference
Account PerformanceAccountId AdDistribution AccountNumber GregorianDate CurrencyCode AdDistribution DeviceType DeviceOS Network TopVsOther BidMatchType DeliveredMatchTypeAccountId AccountNumber AdDistribution BidMatchType CurrencyCode DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Network TimePeriod TopVsOther
Ad Dynamic Text PerformanceGregorianDate Keyword AdId AdGroupName Keyword AdId AdType DestinationUrl Param1 Param2 Param3 CurrencyCode AdDistribution AveragePosition DeviceType Language TitlePart1 TitlePart2 Path1 Path2 AdLabelsAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId AdGroupName AdId AdLabels AdType CurrencyCode DestinationUrl DeviceType Keyword Language Param1 Param2 Param3 Path1 Path2 TimePeriod TitlePart1 TitlePart2 
Ad Extension By AdGregorianDate AdId CampaignId AdGroupId AdId AdExtensionType DeviceType DeviceOS ClickType AdExtensionId AdExtensionVersion AccountId BidMatchType DeliveredMatchType Network TopVsOtherAccountId AdExtensionId AdExtensionType AdExtensionVersion AdGroupId AdId BidMatchType CampaignId ClickType DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Network TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Ad Extension By KeywordCampaignName KeywordId GregorianDate CampaignId AdGroupId KeywordId AdExtensionType DeviceType DeviceOS ClickType AdExtensionId AdExtensionVersion AccountId BidMatchType DeliveredMatchType Network TopVsOtherAccountId AdExtensionId AdExtensionType AdExtensionVersion AdGroupId BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName ClickType DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType KeywordId Network TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Ad Extension DetailGregorianDate AdId AdExtensionPropertyValue AccountId GregorianDate CampaignId AdGroupId AdId AdExtensionTypeId AdExtensionId DeviceType DeviceOS BidMatchType DeliveredMatchType Network TopVsOtherAccountId AdExtensionId AdExtensionPropertyValue AdExtensionTypeId AdExtensionVersion AdGroupId AdId BidMatchType CampaignId DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Network TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Ad Group PerformanceCampaignName GregorianDate AdGroupName AdDistribution AdGroupLabels AdDistribution CurrencyCode DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Network DeviceOS Language CampaignId TopVsOther BusinessListingId BusinessListingNameAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId AdGroupLabels AdGroupName BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName CurrencyCode CustomParameters DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Language Network TimePeriod TopVsOther
Ad PerformanceCampaignName GregorianDate AdGroupName AdId TitlePart1 TitlePart2 AveragePosition Network TopVsOther DeviceOS DeviceType DeliveredMatchTypeAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId AdGroupName AdId BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Language Network TimePeriod TitlePart1 TitlePart2 TopVsOther
Age Gender AudienceCampaignName AgeGroup Gender AccountId GregorianDate CampaignId AdGroupId AdDistribution LanguageAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId AgeGroup CampaignId CampaignName Gender Language TimePeriod 
Age Gender DemographicCampaignName AgeGroup Gender GregorianDateAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId AgeGroup CampaignId CampaignName Gender Language TimePeriod 
Call DetailCampaignName AdGroupId CallTypeName StartTime EndTime CallTypeName AreaCode City State AccountId CampaignId AdGroupIdAccountId AdGroupId AreaCode CallTypeName CampaignId CampaignName City EndTime StartTime StateNo changes
Campaign PerformanceCampaignName GregorianDate DeviceOS TopVsOther Network DeviceType DeliveredMatchTypeAccountId AdDistribution BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Network TimePeriod TopVsOther
DSA Auto Target PerformanceGregorianDate AccountNumber CampaignId AdGroupId AdDistribution Language Network TopVsOther DeviceType DeviceOS BidStrategyType TrackingTemplate CustomParameters DynamicAdTargetIdAccountId AccountNumber AdDistribution AdGroupId BidStrategyType CampaignId CustomParameters DeviceOS DeviceType DynamicAdTarget DynamicAdTargetId Language Network TimePeriod TopVsOther TrackingTemplate 
DSA Category PerformanceGregorianDate CampaignName AdId AccountNumber CampaignId AdGroupId Category0 Category1 Category2 AdDistribution Language Network TopVsOther DeviceType DeviceOSAccountId AccountNumber AdDistribution AdGroupId AdId CampaignId CampaignName Category0 Category1 Category2 DeviceOS DeviceType Language Network TimePeriod TopVsOther 
DSA Search Query PerformanceGregorianDate SearchQuery AdId AccountNumber CampaignId AdGroupId AdId SearchQuery Headline CategoryList LandingPageTitle FinalUrl DynamicAdTargetId AdDistribution Language Network TopVsOther DeviceType DeviceOSAccountId AccountNumber AdDistribution AdGroupId AdId CampaignId CategoryList DeviceOS DeviceType DynamicAdTargetId FinalUrl Headline LandingPageTitle Language Network SearchQuery TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Geographic PerformanceCampaignName MostSpecificLocation LocationType AveragePosition Network DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType ProximityTargetLocation GregorianDate TopVsOther LocationId CityAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName City Country County DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Language LocationId LocationType MetroArea MostSpecificLocation Network PostalCode ProximityTargetLocation Radius State TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Negative Keyword ConflictCampaignName AdGroupName AdGroupId BidMatchType Keyword NegativeKeywordAccountId AdGroupId AdGroupName BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName Keyword KeywordId NegativeKeyword NegativeKeywordId NegativeKeywordListId NegativeKeywordMatchTypeNo changes
Product Match CountCampaignName AdGroupId ProductGroup PartitionType AdGroupCriterionId MatchedProductsAtCampaign MatchedProductsAtAdGroup MatchedProductsAtProductGroupAccountId AdGroupCriterionId AdGroupId CampaignId CampaignName CustomerId MatchedProductsAtAdGroup MatchedProductsAtCampaign MatchedProductsAtProductGroup PartitionType ProductGroupNo changes
Product Partition Unit PerformanceCampaignName GregorianDate AdGroupId ProductGroup ProductUnit AdId CurrencyCode DeliveredMatchType BidMatchType DeviceType Language Network TopVsOther LocalStoreCodeAccountId AdGroupCriterionId AdGroupId AdId BidMatchType BidStrategyType CampaignId CampaignName CurrencyCode DeliveredMatchType DeviceType Language LocalStoreCode Network ProductGroup ProductUnit TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Product Search Query PerformanceGregorianDate AdId AdGroupId CampaignId DestinationUrl DeviceType DeviceOS Language SearchQuery Network MerchantProductId Title ProductGroup AdGroupCriterionId ClickTypeIdAccountId AdGroupCriterionId AdGroupId AdId CampaignId ClickType ClickTypeId DestinationUrl DeviceOS DeviceType Language MerchantProductId Network ProductGroup SearchQuery TimePeriod Title 
Professional Demographics AudienceCampaignName GregorianDate JobFunctionName AccountId AdGroupId CompanyName IndustryName JobFunctionName AdDistribution LanguageAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId CampaignId CampaignName CompanyName IndustryName JobFunctionName Language TimePeriod 
Publisher Usage PerformanceCampaignName GregorianDate AdGroupName CurrencyCode AdDistribution PublisherUrl Language BidMatchType DeliveredMatchType Network TopVsOther DeviceType DeviceOSAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId AdGroupName BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName CurrencyCode DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Language Network PublisherUrl TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Search Query PerformanceCampaignName GregorianDate AdGroupName AdType SearchQuery DestinationUrl BidMatchType DeliveredMatchType SearchQuery Keyword AdGroupCriterionId Language KeywordId Network TopVsOther DeviceType DeviceOS CampaignTypeAccountId AdGroupCriterionId AdGroupId AdGroupName AdId AdType BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName CampaignType DeliveredMatchType DestinationUrl DeviceOS DeviceType Keyword KeywordId Language Network SearchQuery TimePeriod TopVsOther 
Share of VoiceCampaignName GregorianDate DeliveredMatchType KeywordId BidMatchType Language AdGroupId CampaignId AdDistribution DeviceType Network BidStrategyTypeAccountId AccountNumber AdDistribution AdGroupId AdGroupName BidMatchType BidStrategyType CampaignId CampaignName DeliveredMatchType DeviceType Keyword KeywordId Language Network TimePeriod 
User Location PerformanceCampaignName AdGroupName DeliveredMatchType BidMatchType Network LocationId GregorianDate DeviceOS DeviceType TopVsOther CountryOrRegion State City AdDistribution QueryIntentLocationId QueryIntentCountry QueryIntentCounty QueryIntentCity CurrencyCodeAccountId AdDistribution AdGroupId AdGroupName BidMatchType CampaignId CampaignName City Country County CurrencyCode DeliveredMatchType DeviceOS DeviceType Language LocationId MetroArea Network PostalCode QueryIntentCity QueryIntentCountry QueryIntentCounty QueryIntentDMA QueryIntentLocationId QueryIntentPostalCode QueryIntentState Radius State TimePeriod TopVsOther 

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