Custom Data Center Regions
  • 16 Jun 2022
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Custom Data Center Regions

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Article summary

Panoply on Redshift

By default, Panoply sets the regional data center to the eastern part of the US, however, Panoply can accommodate custom data regions to meet specific regional compliance requirements, such as GDPR. Our Business and Enterprise customers may request a different region for a small additional fee.

Our available Data Centers are:

  • Northern Virginia
  • Mumbai
  • Singapore
  • Sydney
  • Canada
  • Frankfurt
  • Ireland
  • London

To request a custom data center region, contact sales at

Panoply on BigQuery

For data warehouses built on BigQuery, Panoply sets the default regional data center to the US multi region. When signing up and creating the data warehouse in Panoply, you can choose between sticking to the US or switch to EU multi region.

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