Square Data Dictionary
  • 01 Sep 2022
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Square Data Dictionary

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Article summary

The Square API creates a data object in response to each request, which Panoply unpacks and organizes into tables. Click here to view the data dictionary spreadsheet.


The Terminal API requests a checkout from a paired Square Terminal. Panoply collects the Checkouts and Terminal Refunds endpoints of the Square Terminal API.


The Checkouts endpoint retrieves a filtered list of Terminal checkout requests created by the account making the request.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Terminal Refunds

The Terminal Refunds endpoint retrieves a filtered list of Interac Terminal refund requests created by the seller making the request.


The Payments API lets developers take and manage payments. Panoply collects the Payments endpoint of the Payments API.


The Payments endpoint retrieves a list of payments taken by the account making the request.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Square Refund API allows users to manage and issue refunds for payments made to Square merchants. Panoply collects the Payment Refunds endpoint from the Refund API.

Payment Refunds

The Payment Refunds endpoint retrieves a list of refunds for the account making the request.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Square Orders API retrieves sales data for a Square merchant, itemizes payments, pushes orders to POS, and more. Panoply collects the Orders endpoint of the Orders API.


The orders endpoint of the Orders API retrieves all orders for one or more locations. Orders include all sales, returns, and exchanges regardless of how or when they entered the Square Ecosystem (e.g. Point of Sale, Invoices, Connect APIs, etc).

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Catalog API allows users to manage their item catalog in Point of Sale, including items, variations, categories, discounts, taxes, modifiers, and more. Panoply collects the Catalog Objects endpoint of the Catalog API.

Catalog Objects

The Catalog Objects endpoint retrieves CatalogObjects of any type by matching supported search attribute values, excluding custom attribute values on items or item variations, against one or more of the specified query expressions.

 To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Inventory API provides the ability to do a 2-way sync between your inventory system and Square using catalog items. Panoply collects the Inventory Counts and the Inventory Changes endpoints.

Inventory Counts

The Inventory Counts endpoint returns the current counts for the provided CatalogObjects at the requested Locations.

When updated_after is specified, only counts that have changed since that time (based on the server timestamp for the most recent change) are returned. This allows clients to perform a "sync" operation, for example in response to receiving a Webhook notification.

 To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Inventory Changes

The Inventory Changes endpoint returns historical physical counts and adjustments based on the provided filter criteria. BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges is a catch-all query endpoint for queries that cannot be handled by other, simpler endpoints.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Customers API enables you to create and manage customer profiles, as well as search for customers based on various criteria (including customer group membership).  In addition, the API allows you to sync contacts between your CRM system and Square. Panoply collects the Customers endpoint of the Customers API.


The Customers endpoint retrieves the customer profiles associated with a Square account using a supported query filter.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Customer Segments

The Customer Segments API lets you retrieve information about segments available in the business account.  Panoply collects the Customer Segments endpoint of the Customer Segments API.

Customer Segments

 The Customer Segments retrieves the list of customer segments of a business.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Locations API retrieves data about merchant locations, such as their addresses, names, and business hours. Panoply collects the Locations enpoint from the Locations API.


The List Locations endpoint hprovides information of all locations of a business.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Cash Drawers

Cash drawers track cash transactions so that total money in the cash drawers can be reconciled for a specific period of time (a cash drawer shift) for a particular device in a particular location. The Cash Drawers API enables you to list and retrieve cash drawers information. Panoply collects the Cash Drawer Shifts and the Cash Drawer Shift Events endpoints of the Cash Drawers API.

Cash Drawer Shifts

The Cash Drawer Shifts endpoint provides the details for all of the cash drawer shifts for a location in a date range. 

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Cash Drawer Shift Events

The Cash Drawer Shift Events endpoint provides a paginated list of events for a single cash drawer shift.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Team API

The Team API allows applications to retrieve a roster of team members registered in the Square Point of Sale system, which can be useful in payroll and account contexts. Panoply collects the Team Members and the Wage Settings end points of the Team API.

Team Members

The Team Members endpoint returns a paginated list of TeamMember objects for a business.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Wage Settings

The Wage Settings endpoint retrieves the WageSetting object for a team member specified by TeamMember.id.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Labor API allows you to see when employees clocked in and out, how much they worked during different periods, and how many breaks they took. Panoply collects four endpoints of the Labor API.

Break Types

The Break Types endpoint returns a paginated list of BreakType instances for a business.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Team Member Wages

The Team Member Wages endpoint returns a list of Team Member Wage instances for a business.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Search Shifts endpoint returns a list of Shift records for a business.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Workweek Configs

The Workweek Configs endpoint returns a list of WorkweekConfig instances for a business.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.

Bank Account

The Bank Account API allows you to get basic details about a merchant's bank account, such as the last few digits of the account number and the routing number. Panoply collects the Bank Accounts endpoint of the Bank Account API.

 Bank Accounts

The Bank Accounts enpoint returns a list of BankAccount objects linked to a Square account.

To view the attributes of this endpoint, see the Data Dictionary in Google Sheets.


The Bookings API allows you to create, retrieve, update, and cancel appointments online. Panoply collects the Team Member Booking Profiles and Bookings endpoints of the Bookings API.

Team Member Booking Profiles

The Team Member Booking Profiles endpoint returns a list of TeamMemberBookingProfile objects linked to a Square account.


The Bookings endpoint returns a list of all bookings objects linked to a Square account.


The Subscriptions API allows you to create and manage subscriptions. Panoply collects the Subscriptions and Subscription Events endpoints of the Subscriptions API.


The Subscriptions endpoint returns a list of all subscription objects linked to a Square account.

Subscription Events

The Subscription Events endpoint returns a list of all events objects for every subscription linked to a Square account.


The Devices API allows you to manage a pairing between a third-party Point of Sale application and a Square Terminal in a seller location. Panoply collects the Device Codes endpoint of the Devices API.

Device Codes

The Device Codes endpoint returns a list of all DeviceCodes objects linked to a Square account.


The Disputes API allows you to manage disputes associated with the Square account. Panoply collects the Disputes and Dispute Evidence endpoints of the Disputes API.


The Disputes endpoint returns a list of all disputes objects linked to a Square account.

Dispute Evidence

The Dispute Evidence endpoint returns a list of evidence objects for every dispute linked to a Square account.


The Invoices API allows you to create and manage invoices associated with the Square account. Panoply collects the Invoices endpoint of the Invoices API.


The Invoices endpoint returns a list of all invoices objects linked to a Square account.


Panoply adds the following metadata fields to each table collected from Square.

  • __business_name: The name of the connected Square business - the selection of the business is happening during the oAuth authentication process.
  • __resource: The name of the selected resource

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