LinkedIn Ads Data Dictionary
  • 24 Jun 2021
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LinkedIn Ads Data Dictionary

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Article summary

Some important information about your data includes what the Primary and Incremental Keys are and what metadata we add as we create your tables.

Primary Key:

The default primary key for the Linkedin Ads endpoint is <accountId>_<pivot>_<pivotValue>_<startDate>_<endDate> For other endpoints the primary key is <lastModified>_<id>.

Incremental Loads:

By default, Panoply collects all of your Linkedin Ads data on the first run. On subsequent collections, Panoply collects from the date of the last successful collection, minus 30 calendar days.


Panoply includes these metadata columns in each table:

  • __tablename: Name of the Data Available (i.e., endpoint) where the data originated in LinkedIn.
  • __senttime: Formatted as a datetime, such as 2020-04-26T01:26:14.695Z
  • __updatetime: Formatted as a datetime, such as 2020-04-26T01:26:14.695Z

API Endpoints

Panoply utilizes the LinkedIn Ads Reporting API to collect your data. For more information about the LinkedIn Ads Reporting API, consult the LinkedIn Ads Reporting API documentation.

Ad Analytics

For the Ad Analytics endpoint, Panoply creates one table for each of the selected reporting pivots. This is because the data in Panoply is built by accessing the LinkedIn Ads Reporting API endpoint with the pivot={PIVOT-NAME} query parameter (and other parameters) for the selected pivot. The timeGranularity used is DAILY. For more information on the paramters available for the Ad Analytics endpoint, see Ads Reporting

The availble pivot values are:

  • Account: Group results by account.
  • Campaign: (default): Group results by campaign.
  • Company: Group results by advertiser's company.
  • Creative: Group results by creative.
  • Member_Company: Group results by member company.
  • Member_Company_Size: Group results by member company size.
  • Member_Country_V2: Group results by member country.
  • Member_Region_V2: Group results by member region.
  • Share: Group results by sponsored share.

An empty response is returned if there is no activity to report or if you do not have read access to the requested advertising data.{% endcallout %}


Some metrics are not available with demographics pivots. To protect LinkedIn member privacy, demographic metrics are approximate. To learn more about this approximation, see Accuracy


LinkedIn has restrictions on data retention. For the timeGranularity=Daily, that restriction is the last six months for demographic data and ten months for non-demographic data. For more information, see retention.

LinkedIn Ads Data Dictionary


When selecting the Ad Analytics endpoint, you must also aelect the Reporting Pivot, which is used to group the report data.

Ad Accounts

LinkedIn allows advertisers to create multiple Ad Accounts. This table includes the columns available in the Ad Accounts Endpoint. For more information, see LinkedIn Ad Accounts Documentation.

LinkedIn Ad Accounts Data Dictionary

Campaign Groups

Campaign groups provide advertisers a way to manage status, budget, and performance across multiple related campaigns. For more informations, see Linkedin Create and Manage Campaign Groups Documentation.

LinkedIn Ads Campaign Groups Data Dictionary


Campaigns define the schedule and budget of an ad. For more information, see Linkedin Create and Manage Campaigns Documentation.

LinkedIn Ads Campaigns Data Dictionary


An ad creative conceptually contains all the data for visually rendering the ad. For more information, see Linkedin Create and Manage Creatives Documentation.

LinkedIn Ads Creatives Data Dictionary


Conversion tracking gives advertisers confidence that an ad product delivers a measurable return on investment. For more information, see Linkedin Conversion Tracking Documentation.

LinkedIn Ads Conversions Data Dictionary

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