Facebook Pages Data Dictionary - Insights
  • 27 Jul 2021
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Facebook Pages Data Dictionary - Insights

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Article summary

There are two types of tables collected from the Facebook Pages data source. This page will define the data dictionary for the Insights tables.

Insights Tables

The second group of tables store metrics about your Facebook Pages and their posts. Facebook provides a great number of metrics and Panoply creates a series of tables based on the information provided by the Facebook Graph API. The primary table facebook_pages_insights contains all of the metrics in a single table. For some metrics, Panoply also creates other tables, and for some of those tables, we nest information for several metrics.

The tables are named based on the metrics contained in them. These tables are only created when your Facebook Pages pass this data to Panoply, for example, you will only have data for facebook_pages_insights_page_fan_adds if your Page(s) has data that includes new fan adds.

The Page Insights object of the Facebook Graph API provides a detailed list of metrics under each category.

Page Content

Page Tab Views Login Top 

A table to store the number of times logged-in users that saw tabs on your Page.

Page Tab Views Login Top Data Dictionary

Page Tab Views Login Top Unique

A table to store the number of logged-in users that saw tabs on your Page.

Page Tab Views Login Top Unique Data Dictionary

Page Tab Views Logout Top 

A table to store the number of times users not logged in to Facebook saw tabs on your Page.

Page Tab Views Logout Top Data Dictionary

Page CTA Clicks

Page Total Actions

This table stores the number of clicks on your Page's contact info and call-to-action button.

Page Total Actions Data Dictionary

Page Call Phone Clicks by Age Gender Logged In Unique

This table provides the number of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button on your Page, broken down by age and gender.

Call Phone Clicks by Age Gender Logged in Unique Data Dictionary

Page CTA Clicks by Site Logged in Unique

A table to store the number of people who are logged in to Facebook and clicked on the CTA button, broken down by www, mobile, API or other.

Page CTA Clicks by Site Logged in Unique Data Dictionary

Page CTA Clicks Logged In Total

A table to store the total number of clicks on the Page CTA button by people who are logged in to Facebook.

Page CTA Clicks Logged In Total Data Dictionary

Page CTA Clicks Logged In Unique

A table to store the unique number of clicks on the Page CTA button by people who are logged in to Facebook.

Page CTA Clicks Logged In Unique Data Dictionary

Page Engagement

Page Fans Online

A table to store the number of your fans who saw any posts on Facebook on a given day, broken down by hour of the day in PST/PDT.

Page Fans Online Data Dictionary

Page Impressions

Story Type

A table to store the total impressions of posts published by a friend about your Page by type.

Page Impressions by Story Type Data Dictionary

Story Type Unique

A table to store the number of people who saw posts published by a friend about your Page by type.

Page Impressions by Story Type Unique Data Dictionary

Frequency Distribution

A table to store the number of people your Page reached, broken down by how many times people saw any content about your Page.

Page Impressions Frequency Distribution Data Dictionary

Viral Frequency Distribution

A table to store the number of people your Page reached from a story published by a friend, broken down by how many times people saw stories about your Page.

Page Impressions Viral Frequency Distribution Data Dictionary

Page Posts

Impressions Frequency Distribution

A table to store the number of people who saw your Page posts, broken down by how many times people saw your posts.

Page Posts Impressions Frequency Distribution

Page and Post Stories

Page Content Activity by Action Type

A table to store the number of stories about your Page's stories, by Page story type.

Page Content Activity by Action Type Data Dictionary

Page Content Activity by Action Type Unique

A table to store the number of people talking about your Page's stories, by Page story type.

Page Content Activity by Action Type Unique Data Dictionary

Page Reactions

Page Actions Post Reactions Total

A table for storing the daily total post reactions of a page by type. These reaction types are “anger”, “haha”, "like", “love”, “sorry”, and "wow".

Page Actions Post Reactions Total Data Dictionary

Page User Demographics

Page Fans by Like Source

This table stores the number of fans who have liked your page, sorted by  the most common places where people can like your Page.

Page Fans by Like Source Data Dictionary

Page Fans by Like Source Unique

This table stores the number of unique fans who have liked your page, sorted by  the most common places where people can like your Page.

Page Fans by Like Source Unique Data Dictionary

Page Fans by Unlike Source


A table to store the number of people who unliked your Page, broken down by the most common ways people can unlike your Page.

Page Fans by Unlike Source Data Dictionary

Page Fans by Unlike Source Unique

A table to store the number of people who unliked your Page, broken down by the most common ways people can unlike your Page.

Page Fans by Unlike Source Unique Data Dictionary

Page Fans City

A table to store the aggregated Facebook location data, sorted by city, about the people who like your Page.

Page Fans City Data Dictionary

Page Fans Country

A table to store the number of people, aggregated per country, that like your Page. Only the 45 countries with the most people that like your Page are included.

Page Fans Country Data Dictionary

Page Fans Gender Age

A table to store the number of people who saw any of your posts at least once, grouped by age and gender. This number is an estimate.

Page Fans Gender Age Data Dictionary

Page Fans Locale

A table to store the aggregated language data about the people who like your Page based on the default language setting selected when accessing Facebook.

Page Fans Locale Data Dictionary

Page Video Views

Page Video Views by Paid Non-Paid

A table to store the number of times videos have played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds, broken down by total, paid, and non-paid.

Page Video Views by Paid Non-Paid Data Dictionary

Page Views

Page Views by Profile Tab Total

A table to store the number of people who have viewed each Page profile tab.

Page Views by Profile Tab Total Data Dictionary

Page Views by Profile Tab Logged In Unique

A table to store the number of people logged in to Facebook who have viewed your Page's profile, broken down by each tab.

Page Views by Profile Tab Logged in Unique Data Dictionary

Page Views by Internal Referrer Logged In Unique

A table to store the number of people logged in to Facebook who have viewed your Page, broken down by the internal referrer within Facebook.

Page Views by Internal Referrer Logged In Unique Data Dictionary

Page Views by Site Logged In Unique

A table to store the number of people logged in to Facebook who have viewed your Page profile, broken down by the type of device.

Page Views by Site Logged In Unique Data Dictionary

Page Views by Referrers Logged In Unique

This table stores the number of logged-in page visit counts (unique users) by referral source.

Page Views by Referrers Logged In Unique Data Dictionary


Page Video Posts

The Page Video Posts metrics can be found in the main Insights table.

Facebook Graph API Reference:

Video Ad Breaks

The Video Ad Breaks metrics can be found in the main Insights table.

Facebook Graph API Reference:

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