NetSuite Data Dictionary
  • 30 Aug 2024
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NetSuite Data Dictionary

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Article summary

Panoply utilizes NetSuite's REST API to collect data into your Panoply data warehouse.


Panoply inserts the following metadata fields into each table collected:

  • __account_id: The connected NetSuite account id.
  • __resource: The name of the selected resource.

NetSuite Endpoints

The Netsuite TBA data source also supports custom records on top of the available records described below.
Custom Lists are available for selection and can be identified by both the list name and the list identifier

Panoply supports up to 117 different endpoints:

  • account
  • accountingBook
  • accountingContext
  • accountingPeriod
  • activity
  • amortizationSchedule
  • amortizationTemplate
  • billingAccount
  • billingClass
  • billingRateCard
  • billingRevenueEvent
  • billingSchedule
  • bin
  • bom
  • bomRevision
  • budgetCategory
  • budgetExchangeRate
  • budgets
  • budgetsMachine
  • calendarEvent
  • campaignResponse
  • campaignTemplate
  • cardholderAuthentication
  • charge
  • chargeRule
  • classification
  • competitor
  • consolidatedExchangeRate
  • contact
  • contactCategory
  • contactRole
  • costCategory
  • couponCode
  • currency
  • customer
  • customerCategory
  • customInstallmentPercent
  • customerMessage
  • customerSalesTeam
  • customerSubsidiaryRelationship
  • customField
  • department
  • emailTemplate
  • employee
  • entity
  • entityAddress
  • expenseCategory
  • fairValuePrice
  • fixedAmountProjectRevenueRule
  • fulfillmentRequest
  • genericResource
  • giftCertificate
  • globalInventoryRelationship
  • inboundShipment
  • inventoryBalance
  • inventoryNumber
  • inventoryStatus
  • item
  • itemDemandPlan
  • itemLocationConfiguration
  • itemSupplyPlan
  • itemVendor
  • job
  • jobStatus
  • jobType
  • location
  • manufacturingCostTemplate
  • manufacturingOperationTask
  • manufacturingRouting
  • merchandiseHierarchyLevel
  • merchandiseHierarchyNode
  • merchandiseHierarchyVersion
  • message
  • mfgPlannedTime
  • nexus
  • note
  • otherName
  • otherNameCategory
  • partner
  • paymentMethod
  • payrollItem
  • pctCompleteProjectRevenueRule
  • phoneCall
  • plannedOrder
  • planningItemCategory
  • planningItemGroup
  • planningRuleGroup
  • previousTransactionLink
  • priceLevel
  • pricingGroup
  • projectExpenseType
  • projectTask
  • projectTemplate
  • promotionCode
  • revenuePlan
  • salesInvoiced
  • salesOrdered
  • salesTaxItem
  • searchCampaign
  • shipItem
  • solution
  • statisticalJournalEntry
  • storePickupFulfillment
  • subsidiary
  • supplyChainSnapshot
  • supplyChainSnapshotSimulation
  • supplyChangeOrder
  • supplyPlanDefinition
  • supportCase
  • systemNote
  • task
  • taxType
  • term
  • timeBill
  • timeSheet
  • topic
  • transaction
  • transactionBilling
  • transactionAccountingLine
  • transactionHistory
  • transactionLine
  • transactionSalesTeam
  • transactionShipment
  • transactionShippingAddress
  • transactionStatus
  • unitsType
  • usage
  • vendor
  • vendorCategory
  • vendorSubsidiaryRelationship
  • webSite

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